Saturday 6 February 2010

Landy different

In response to a communication from an artist friend of mine based in Cork City, Ireland who said in relation to OAS:

"so you favour a more redemptive humane approach to failed art than this? "

I said in response:

"I'm glad you saw the link though becuase this art surgery idea has been in my little skull for a few years now and two others and I are going forward with it this May and it pissed me off that there were some similarities with Landy's latest initiative and it might look as though we were simply building on his ideas when it fact it came independently. Anyway as you say this is an attempt to resuscitate so significantly different."

then he, le friend, replied:

Come here boy, what's all this concern with originality eh? You want to be first to the market with your innovation or something? What's that all about?

then i replied to le friend:

i know what you're saying about originality. of course i do. i hope you know that i know what you're saying. and my guess is that both of us know that this is not as simple a matter as you suggest.

advertisers seem to like originality. maybe on this front saatchi has done a lot of damage.

anyway i seem to remember your problem with the likes of sean scully, finding a formula and then repeating it ad-nausium.

then dr. jon said to me:

I fail to see that there is any similarity whatsoever between OAS and Michael Landy’s ‘work’ (this, regardless of my opinion of him, or of any notions of ‘originality’ - whatever that is...)

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